While isolation is no longer a legal requirement, staying at home protects the people in your community.

You should not visit high-risk settings like hospitals and aged and disability care settings for at least 7 days or until symptoms have gone (unless seeking immediate medical care).

To help protect those around you, it is recommended that you:
– avoid contact with people who are at higher risk of severe disease
– wear a mask outside the home
– work from home where possible
– avoid going to public areas, or travel on public transport or taxis
– practice good hygiene

If you have any appointments you cannot miss (visit to a doctor, family violence service or police), tell them in advance that you have COVID-19.

Need advice? Talk with your health provider or speak to a nurse by calling the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222.

If you have severe shortness of breath or chest pain, call triple zero (000) immediately. Tell the person on the phone and paramedics on arrival that you have COVID-19.

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